vendredi 14 mars 2014

#olds mooc Educational Design: Introduction

Proposal of a different institutional, post-pedagogical approach to educational design.

EDUCATIONAL DESIGN (teaching-learning): Introduction

Preliminary remarks

  1. Educational design to include both Instructional and Learning design. 
  2. Educational design conceived as part of and within the specific institutional mission and related instructional programs (i.e., academic disciplines). 
  3. Open Learning Design therefore still belongs to institutional concepts set forth by Van den Boom and Schlusmans (1989) The didactics of open education.    
  4. With respect to curriculum: "From a broader curricilum perspective, it makes sense to pay attention to a coherent set of ten components that address ten specific questions about the planning of student learning (Table 54.1)" (Van den Akker and  Kuiper 2008:744] The accent here is with the expression "about the planning of student learning" and interestingly enough most of the 10 concerns mentioned in Table 54.1 are not integrally determined by the institution or the course designer.
  5. Currently, 3 cognitive maps were produced which clearly indicate that educational design in centered on student activities. All three referenced in the OLDSMOOC experiment. 'At a glance' design maps can be viewed individually (these maps are not attributed): Map #1, Map #2, Map #3
The processes depicted therein refer to other, more linear suggestions concerning educational design (curriculumdesign and delivery). 
Much of Education's interest with MOOCS and (distant) open teaching-learning lies within the institutional characteristics of open universities and the characteristics of the learners. Some unresolved (overlooked) questions still need to be addressed when (i) relevant institutional concerns are isolated, (ii) when distant learning & learners are adequately characterised, and (iii) when a general instructional/learning design approach will appeal to all or most academic disciplines. A student/learner work plan approach to learning or work based learning is develpped and proposed

BURGSTAHLER, S.E., CORY, R.C. 2008. Universal design in higher education. From principles to practice. Cambridge: Harvard Education Press.
BURGSTAHLER, S.E. 2009. Universal Design of Instruction (UDI): Definition, Principles, Guidelines, and Examples. Seattle: University of Washington. (
GARNEAU, D. 2011. L’attitude épistémique d’un étudiant à distance, récit et interprétation d’un parcours éducatif à la Téluq : préconditions de l’écoute pour l’autoformation et l’accompagnement. Mémoire de maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec : Télé-université. (
MOON, B. LEACH, J., et STEVENS, M.-P. 2005. Designing Open and Distance Learning for Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Toolkit for Educators and Planners. Washington: Human Development Sector, Africa Region, The World Bank.
MOON, B. 2010. Time for radical change in teacher education. Connections, 15(1):9. Vancouver : Commonwealth of Learning.
WULF, C. 1999. Anthropologie de l’éducation. Traduit de l’allemand par Jean-Luc Evard. Paris: L’Harmattan.

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